10 reasons Why We like Backpacking Southeast Asia
Out of all of the regions of the world that we’ve travelled through, we have to state that we like backpacking in Southeast Asia the most. There is just something about the vibe in this cool area that always has us wanting to return for more. A house away from house for countless backpackers as well as digital nomads around the world, it’s difficult to reject that Southeast Asia has it all!
Here are 10 reasons Why We like Backpacking Southeast Asia!
1. SE Asia Took Our Backpacking Virginity
Back in 2008, when we very first decided to ditch the normal as well as online a life on the road, we opted to backpack Southeast Asia. This was the very best decision we ever made as well as SEA will always hold a extremely special location in our hearts for showing us “the light”. We couldn’t have selected a more fun, adventurous, perfect location to begin our travels as well as while it felt extremely exotic, it likewise felt risk-free as well as secure.
Southeast Asia is the perfect location for novices & virgins (backpacking ones anyway)!
A couple of young Goats, Day 1 in Bangkok 2008
2. The culture Shock Of Bangkok
We’ll never fail to remember landing in Bangkok as well as hitting up Khaosan road for the very first time. Okay, perhaps Khaosan isn’t precisely authentic Thai culture, however there’s a strong feeling of the unknown throughout the hustle as well as bustle of this wild funding city. Bangkok comes at you from all angles as well as it’s a rush for the senses. We still get a bit of deja vu when we show up in Bangkok as well as take that very first whiff of the thick, damp Thai air. We may not feel the crazy culture shock that we did our very first time in Bangkok, however we’ll always keep in mind the effect that this energetic city had on us on that very first visit.
Wild Khaosan Road, Bangkok
3. Awesome Experiences
When we were in Southeast Asia, we liked the range of incredible experiences to select from. With so many backpackers, it’s nice to join a group sometimes. You don’t requirement to take cheesy tours around the region either. You understand the ones we’re speaking about! Where you comply with a tour guide holding up a flag as well as shuffle from location to location like a herd of sheep. We took tours to the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, the Komodo Dragons in Indonesia, as well as the orangutans in Borneo. We’re independent travellers at heart, however we still like the occasional tour to show us locations that we would otherwise miss!
4. The People
We state this anywhere we go, the regional people have a significant effect on our general opinion of a country. Southeast Asia has a few of the kindest people anywhere on Earth. This is the perfect location to have random, incredible encounters with the friendly locals. who wouldn’t melt at the sight of a Burmese smile, or join together with the laughter of a group of Cambodians? We like sitting with the residents of whichever town we’re in and attempting to speak their language, while sharing food as well as drinks. Whenever there’s an chance to have an authentic experience with the people, we jump at the chance. costs time with the inhabitants of each country is the very best method to get a genuine feel for their method of life as well as their customs, as well as Southeast Asia is a excellent location to do just that.
A friendly Beetlenut Smile From Myanmar
5. Safety
This is starting to be more important to us the more we travel. feeling risk-free is a significant part of enjoying a trip, as well as we feel that Southeast Asia is one of the safest locations on Earth. Sure, you hear of the strange criminal offense right here as well as there, however compared to many other parts of the world, Southeast Asia is incredibly risk-free for backpackers as well as travellers.
6. getting Off The Beaten Track
It’s widely known that Southeast Asia is a prominent tourist destination. Thailand alone got 26.7 million arrivals in 2013. That’s a great deal of people! specific islands as well as sites are hectic with tourists as well as are prominent for a reason (and you shouldn’t miss out on them), however it’s still nice to get off the tourist path as well as discover a bit piece of Southeast Asia pre seba. We liked discovering off the beaten path locations in Southeast Asia during our very first trip there, as well as when we return, we’ll be on the search for more.
7. The Food
Thai food is the most prominent throughout the region, however that doesn’t mean it’s the best. The food in Southeast Asia is absolutely delicious. Our favourite cuisine was in Malaysia since it has a spicy mix of Indian, Malajský, indonézsky, singapurský, ako aj thajské príchute. Laos, ako aj Kambodža nemali v tejto oblasti to najlepšie jedlo, stále však existujú chutné regionálne jedlá, ktoré by tam vyskúšali, vrátane jedál s horúcim Pot, ako aj vyprážanou ryžou. Vietnam má neuveriteľne rozmanitú kuchyňu s tónom regionálnych jedál pre cestujúcich, ktorí ochutnajú. Filipíny majú hroznú závislosť od amerických kĺbov rýchlych potravín, ich regionálne jedlo je však mimoriadne chutné. V Mjanmarsku nenechajte ujsť Lahpet a v Indonézii, vyskúšajte Gado Gado.
Niektoré chutné regionálne juhovýchodné orientálne jedlo
8. Potápanie / šnorchlovanie
Moje najobľúbenejšie potápačské potápanie bolo niekedy z pobrežia Borneo okolo ostrova Sipadan. Indonézia má nejaké neuveriteľné koralové, ako aj v podstate každá pobrežná krajina v juhovýchodnej Ázii, môže sa pochváliť vynikajúcimi šnorchlovaním a potápaním. Koh Tao je oblasťou #1 na svete pre to, že sa nakoniec stane licencovaným potápačom, takže ak chcete objaviť potápanie, nie je nič lepšie!
9. Vibe
Nemôžem to vysvetliť … v juhovýchodnej Ázii je niečo vo vzduchu. Je tu táto skvelá aura, ktorá vychádza okolo týchto dlhoročných batohových rajov, rovnako ako nás stále vtiahne z diaľky. Páči sa nám pomalá rýchlosť života ostrova, ktorá stojí v ostrom kontraste s bzučiacou energiou obrovských miest. Od islamského vplyvu Indonézie a Malajzie, po budhistický pokoj v Thajsku, ako aj Mjanmarsko, má juhovýchodná Ázia mimoriadne špeciálnu atmosféru.
10. Pláže
Dobre, aj keď sme kultúrne milujúci, zažívame cestujúcich, stále radi ležíme na krásnych plážach z času na čas. Juhovýchodná Ázia má pravdepodobne najkrajšie pláže na svete. Od práškových bielych piesku Koh Rong v Kambodži po sopečné pláže čierneho piesku v Indonézii, ak chcete ležať pri mori, juhovýchodná Ázia bude mať miesto, ktoré je pre vás ideálne!
Ohromujúca pláž Koh Rong v Kambodži
Čestné uznanie: Cena!
Pokiaľ sa snažíme zabrániť nákladom na cieľ určovať naše stanovisko … oceňujeme, že čokoľvek v juhovýchodnej Ázii je cenovo dostupné! Cenovo dostupné priestory za 7 dolárov, jedlá za 2 doláre, ako aj autobusy za približne 1 $ / h … Skutočne nemôžete poraziť náklady na batoh v juhovýchodnej Ázii!
Mohli by sme pokračovať aj ďalej …
Milióny ľudí chodia každý rok do juhovýchodnej Ázie, pretože je to jedno z najneuveriteľnejších miest na Zemi … obdobie. Ak sa niekedy cítime na cestách alebo s ťažkým časom, ktorý sa batohuje cez niektoré z najmenej navštevovaných miest na svete, bežne necháme svoju myseľ potulovať sa späť k voľnému času a jednoduchosti cestovania v juhovýchodnej Ázii. Ak ste profesionálny cestovateľ, prvýkrát v batohu alebo sa snažíte vyraziť na turné s vesmírnym rokom, nemôžete si vybrať zábavnejšie miesto na cestovanie.
Boli ste už v juhovýchodnej Ázii? Aká bola tvoja skúsenosť? Ukážte nám v komentároch nižšie?
Páči sa mi tento príspevok? Pripnúť!
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