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MY suggested three DAY travel plan FOR BUDAPEST

Last Updated: 9/28/21 | September 28th, 2021

Before I first checked out Budapest, I visualized the city as a rundown former Communist capital with little to do.

Fortunately, I was wrong.

Dead wrong.

Budapest [turned out to be] a lively city with a rich history, beautiful parks and buildings, bustling food halls, cool underground bars, and centuries-old thermal baths.

It’s a lively capital that rivals the best of Western Europe. While it may have something of a drab exterior, if you can look beyond its concrete façade you’ll find a cool city with plenty on offer. It’s incredibly budget-friendly too!

Budapest is actually two cities straddling the Danube: Buda on the west side is hilly and classy, while Pest (pronounced “pesht”) on the east is its flatter, wilder neighbor. (A third, Óbuda, merged with the others in 1873.)

Each part has its own personality as if the river not only divides the city geographically but metaphysically too.

To help you plan your visit to this marvelous central European capital, I’ve created this Budapest travel plan with the best things to see and do in the city so can have an amazing, budget-friendly experience!

Budapest travel plan Highlights

Day 1: Castle Hill, national Gallery, Fisherman’s Bastion, & more

Day 2: Parliament, great Market Hall, spoil Bars, & more

Day 3: Gellért Hill, Cave Church, terror Museum, & more

Budapest Itinerary: Day 1

Since Budapest is so neatly divided, it’s best to tackle each half separately. Today, we’re going to start with the Buda (west) side of the Danube. This is the upper-class, ritzy area — complete with a castle — and it’s filled with lots of museums, historic streets, parks, and regal homes.

To kickstart your trip, start your visit with a complimentary walking tour!

Take a complimentary walking Tour
I love complimentary walking tours. If you’ve read some of my other posts, you probably know that already, considering that I’m always recommending them. They give you a terrific way to get an introduction of a place, learn about its culture, and orient yourself. Budapest has a number of good tours. check these out (and be sure to idea your guide!):

Strawberry Tours

Trip to Budapest

Generation Tours

After the complimentary walking tour, which lasts about three hours, head over to Castle Hill.

Tour Castle Hill
This area has a lot of charm, with cobblestone streets and narrow alleys running through the Old Town. There are panoramic views of Pest and the Danube, great cafés and restaurants, and shops to explore.

The least expensive and easiest way to get up the hill is on the No. 16 bus. The funicular is another option, but it normally has a lengthy wait. I actually like walking, as I don’t think the hill is that steep.

See Buda Castle
They call it a castle, but it’s a lot more of a palace complex than anything else. though it was originally constructed in the 13th century, the huge Baroque complex you see today was built between 1749 and 1769. The palace’s days of being a luxurious living space ended in world war II, though, when Nazi (and then Russian) troops looted it. Today, it’s home to a collection of museums (see below).

Beneath the castle, Vlad the Impaler (who we know colloquially as count Dracula) was apparently imprisoned here for 14 years. In the dungeon area, there is a labyrinth that tourists can explore.

Szent György tér 2, +36 1 458 3000, The courtyards are open 24/7 while the castle has hours that align with the museum and gallery below. excursions cost 3,850 HUF (must be booked in advance).

Visit the Budapest history Museum
This museum covers four floors of Buda Castle and really gives you a detailed introduction of the city’s entire history (plus the views across town are amazing!). It has some rooms that date back to the 15th century, and you can also explore the old cellar, which also dates to the 15th century. Personally, I really liked the “1,000 Years of Budapest” area.

2 Szent Gyorgy Square, +36-1-487-8854, open Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm. Admission is 2,400 HUF (free admission if you have the Budapest Card). There is an additional charge for taking pictures.

Admire the Hungarian national Gallery
Opened in 1957, this museum focuses on Hungarian artists and history, of which I knew very little before my visit. There are a lot of treasures here: besides the paintings and sculptures, you can see a collection of altarpieces from the 1400s and excursion the building’s dome. To see what new momentary exhibits are on display, check the website.

1014 Budapest, +36 20 439 7325, open Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm. Admission is 1,800 HUF and there is an additional charge for taking pictures. Audio guides are available for 800 HUF.

See the healthcare facility in the Rock
This museum is underneath Castle hill and just a five-minute walk from the castle. It has a fascinating history,having served as a hospital, bomb shelter, prison, and nuclear bunker. Inside, you can learn about world war II, the 1956 revolution, and the cold War. It opened as a museum in 2008 and is one of the most popular attractions in town. There’s a one-hour guided excursion complete with wax figures, tools, equipment, and furnishings!

Lovas ut 4/c , +36 70 701 0101, open daily 10am-7pm. Admission is 5,080 HUF for adults.

Visit Matthias Church
This neo-Gothic Roman Catholic church is not what you might expect. I’ve seen hundreds of churches and cathedrals across Europe, and this one is unique. The colorful roofing nearly looks like it was built from Lego. The original church was built in the 11th century, though nothing remains of it. The current building was constructed in the 14th century and it saw significant restorations in the 19th century. once inside, look out for the vaulted ceilings and ornate décor. It was a mosque for a while, which describes its lively colors and painted designs that aren’t the norm in European churches.

Szentháromság tér 2, +36 1 355 5657, open 9am-5pm on weekdays, 9am-1pm on Saturdays, and 1pm-5pm on Sundays. Admission to the church is 2,000 HUF and it’s 2,200 HUF for the tower.

See Fisherman’s Bastion
This ornate, fairytale structure faces Pest and supplies great panoramic views across the Danube River. built between 1895 and 1902, the terrace comprises seven lookout towers that represent the seven Hungarian tribes that founded Budapest. (It was created by the same architect who constructed the Matthias Church next door.) The name comes from either the fact that the terrace overlooks the fishermen’s guild or that the fishermen’s guild actually was responsible for protecting that area of the wall (no one is certain which).

Szentháromság tér, +36 1 458 3030, open daily 9am-11pm. Admission is free, with an additional charge of 1,000 HUF to visit the upper turrets.

Tour the Hungarian presidential Palace
The home of the Hungarian president is called Sándor-palota (Alexander Palace). It is not incredibly eye-catching compared to the surrounding buildings, but if you time it right, you can see the changing of the guard ceremony at the top of each hour, from 9am to 5pm Monday-Saturday. If you’re really lucky, in the summer the palace is often open for excursions (though this rarely happens).

Szent György tér 2, +36 1 224 5000. Admission to the changing of the guard is free. There is an additional fee for palace admission (when available).

See Buda Tower
This reconstructed “tower” is all that remains of the Church of Mary Magdalene, which was built in the 13th century but nearly destroyed during an air plunder in world war II. When the Turks occupied the city between 1541-1699, it was used as a mosque. considering that reopening in 2017, you can now climb the 172 steps to the top, but given the great complimentary views on Castle Hill, I’d skip it and just view the tower from the outside.

Kapisztrán tér 6, open daily 10am-6pm (but only on the weekends in January and February). Admission is 1,500 HUF.

Budapest Itinerary: Day 2

Today, let’s tackle the Pest (eastern) side of town:

Visit Parliament
This massive building on the Danube is where the Hungarian legislature meets. The literal translation indicates “House of the Nation” or “House of the Country.” After the three cities that make up modern Budapest (Buda, Pest, and Óbuda) united in 1873, it was made a decision that a new parliament building was needed. This massive structure took 19 years to build, with construction finishing in 1904. Not only is it the tallest structure in Budapest but it’s actually the largest in the entire country.

These days, you can excursion the Gothic Revival edifice and enjoy the changing of the guard. I recommend purchasing your tickets in advance, as the lines to get tickets on-site can be exceptionally long.

Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3, +36 1 441 4415, open daily 8am-4pm. Admission is 6,700 HUF for non-EU residents and 3,500 HUF for EU residents.

Stroll Along the Danube
A walk along the river is a great activity after checking out Parliament. Head south and check out the promenade and its lots of green spaces and sculptures, including the sobering “Shoes on the Danube Bank,” a memorial honoring the Jews who were carried out here during world war II.

Walk across the Chain Bridge
Continuing south, you’ll reach the Széchenyi Chain Bridge connecting Pest with Buda. This wrought-iron and stone suspension bridge is 375m in length. It opened in 1849, though it had to be rebuilt after world war II. At the Pest (east) end of the Chain Bridge is the Gresham Palace, a beautiful Art Nouveau building. It was once a luxurious office/apartment building and is now a luxurious hotel, the four Seasons.

Eat at the great Market Hall
Built in 1897, this is the oldest and largest indoor market in the country, a bit southweSt židovskej štvrti. Na prízemí sú väčšinou produkty, mäso, pečivo a cukrovinky, zatiaľ čo v hornom poschodí je domovom reštaurácií a obchodov s suvenírmi. Má veľa štandardných miest na jedenie, takže nezabudnite obísť a preskúmať ako prvý. Iste, je to turisti (koniec koncov je to ústredný trh!), Ale stále som zistil, že jedlo je chutné. Moje obľúbené sú obchody v druhom poschodí, na ideálnej strane, najbližšie k prednej časti.

Vámház Körút 1–3, Otvorené pondelok 6:00-17:00, utorok-piatok od 6:00 do 18:00 a sobota 6:00-15:00. v nedeľu zatvorené. Vstup je bezplatný, ale exkurzie sú k dispozícii. Ceny začínajú na 6 300 HUF.

Pohľad na baziliku sv. Štefana
Toto je najväčší kostol v Maďarsku a nemôže ho chýbať. Je krásna zvnútra aj zvonka, s ozdobnou architektúrou, ohromujúcimi umeleckými dielami, šumivým mramorom a vysokou kupolou. Niet divu, že výstavba trvalo 50 rokov! Ak pôjdete dovnútra, pozrite sa na všetky malé kaplnky a mumifikovanú ruku sv. Štefana. Ak ste v pondelok, môžete ísť na organový koncert.

Szent István Tér 1, +36 1 311 0839, Otvorené denne od 9:00 do 19:00 (7:45 v nedeľu). Vstup do baziliky je darom, aj keď je to 2 000 HUF na osobu pre vežu/pozorovaciu plošinu.

Pozrite sa na synagógu Dohány Street
Je to tiež známa ako veľká synagóga. Jedná sa o druhú najväčšiu synagógu na svete, postavenú v roku 1854 s 3 000 kreslami. Uistite sa, že idete na sprievodnú exkurziu (súčasťou vstupu), aby ste získali oveľa väčší pohľad na budovu. Sprievodcovia sú neuveriteľne informovaní a môžete sa dozvedieť viac o výstavbe synagógy, židovského života počas vojny a oveľa viac. Pozrite sa tiež na Wallenberg Memorial Park (hneď za synagógou) a blízkeho maďarského židovského múzea.

Dohány u. 2, +36 1 413 5584, ž Hodiny sa líšia od mesiaca na mesiac; Zavolajte dopredu alebo si pozrite podrobnosti na webovej stránke. Vstup je 5 500 HUF.

Pozri maďarský štátny operný dom
Môžete ísť dovnútra tohto neo-renesancie majstrovského diela alebo si ho jednoducho pozrieť zvonka. Odporúčam to, pretože sa renovuje sála a exkurzia sa nevzťahuje na architektúru. Ak sú predstavenia, keď ste v meste, skúste ho chytiť. Môže to dokonca stáť menej ako prehliadka! Skontrolujte webovú stránku a zistite, čo sa deje počas vašej návštevy.

Andrássy u. 22, 1061, +36 1-81-47-100, Opera.HU. Exkurzie stoja okolo 3 000 HUF, zatiaľ čo predstavenia môžu stáť iba 1 000 HUF.

Party v kazových baroch
Ruinové tyče sú v Budapešti zlosťou a boli okolo, pretože zakladanie Szimpla Kerta z roku 2001, mekky všetkých kazených tyčí. Sú v okrese Budapešti v okrese VII (Stará židovská štvrť) v troskách opustených budov, obchodov alebo veľa. Toto susedstvo bolo po druhej svetovej vojne ponechané na rozpad, takže to bolo najlepšie miesto na rozvoj podzemnej barovej scény. (Avšak už nie je tak pod zemou!) Zvonku tieto tyče vyzerajú ako normálne domy. Nemajú veľké znaky smerujúce ako cestu, nepočujete žiadny hlasný hluk a neexistuje žiadna línia ľudí, ktorí čakajú na vstup.

Tu sú moje obľúbené:

SZIMPLA KERT – Toto je originálny a veľa populárnych kazových barov a začal tento trend. Akonáhle je opustená továreň, má veľké otvorené nádvorie, najvyššie poschodie s eklektickým nábytkom, kokteilovými barmi a dokonca aj starým, odstráneným Trabantom (auto komunistického obdobia), v ktorom sa môžete napiť. Kazinczy u. 14, Szimpla.Hu. Otvorené o 15:00-4:00 v pracovné dni, 12:00-4:00 v sobotu a 9:00-4:00 v nedeľu.

Okamžité – zaberajúce celý byt alebo byt budovy, Instant je najväčší kazový bar s oveľa viac ako 20 izbami. Zrazili veľa stien, aby spojili apartmány a vytvorili priestor pre DJov a tancovali. Akácfa u. 49-51, +36 70 638 5040, Otvorené denne 18:00-6:00.

Ak chcete získať dlhší zoznam najlepších kazov v Budapešti, kliknite sem.

Itinerár Budapešti: Deň 3

Preskúmajte Hill Gellért
Začnite svoj deň späť v Bude výletom do kopca Gellért, južne od Castle Hill. Tento kopec používa najlepší výhľad na Budapešti a je to populárne miesto, z ktorého si môžete vychutnať západ slnka. (Ak si vyberiete západ slnka, vezmite si f

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